
Thursday, April 25, 2013

New Milestone

Today, my friends, I ran 10 miles.

That is, T-E-N.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!

Thanks to my friend Jess, that ran with me today!  In 10 days I will be running my first half marathon!  I think I am so focused on my 70.3 race that I havent really thought about this milestone until just now.  :)

Oh, and I am wearing one of my favorite birthday presents from last week.  Want to see?

These are from my roommate and they meant a lot to me because she knows how much the Rosie the Riveter sentiments on the traditional poster from WWII inspire me.  I even have the poster up on the wall in my room!

So, in the spirit of Rosie....

We can do it!  Goggles On!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Hi everyone! Its been a while since I have updated you all on training!  So much has happened the last 10 days I will attempt to fill you in on the highlights!

Last week was my birthday week.  Sunday of that week my roommate threw me a birthday party with some of my closest friends.  Helene and Andy had the flu and couldnt make it but my other friends came and we had a great time talking training and everything remotely related (all triathletes).  Even though Helene had the flu she still sent our schedules out that evening and I noticed a trend with my schedule!  She had a lot of 33's in my distances!  On my birthday I swam 3300 yards (over two miles) and then I ran 3.3 miles another day and biked 33 miles.  :)

I have to say that knowing I have been swimming TWO miles on my long swims just amazes me.  Helene has been the catalyst to some of the biggest changes in my life!  She taught me how to breathe and swim... Its been almost a year since my first session with her.  She is unbelievable.

Biking highlights ... This past Sunday morning Helene had most of us out at the 70.3 Syracuse bike course to ride the first section from the park out to Reservoir Rd. and back.  It was a total of 43 miles and the longest ride I have ever done.  BUT, I also had never climbed so many hills!  For those of you who are not familiar with the first section of the bike course in Syracuse, it is MILES of climbing.  I actually REALLY enjoyed the ride.  I rode Sweet Rd. out with a fellow triathlete that I didnt know very well and had the opportunity to talk a little as we road.  Then, later on Route 80 the road dips like a roller coaster!  SERIOUSLY that part of the road is almost straight down and then straight back up!  I rode my brakes down and still found myself going over 33 miles per hour!  Then when you go up  you slow REALLY FAST to a crawl and have to just spin your legs and pedal up the rest of the hill.  I couldnt look far ahead of me or I would get overwhelmed with how far I had to go, so I just looked in front of me and kept pedalling as much as I could with quick glances upward.  Guess what? I made it up the hill!  The whole 43 mile ride I rode and didnt walk.  I was so proud of myself!  Again progress from my hard work following Helene's program and hearing her coaching and encouragement in my head.  One person from my group, who is actually doing the race, walked part of the Rt 80 hill and Helene made her go back and ride it again with her.  Helene knew this other athlete could do it and that the need to walk was all in her head!  We were all proud of her when she completed the hill.  On the way back to the park, Katie and I headed out and traded back and forth for the lead.  I headed to work from the park.

Run... well the week before my birthday I ran my first 9 mile run!  Tomorrow I run 10 and my first 1/2 marathon is in less than two weeks!  I cant believe it!  I dont know that I ever thought I would run that far, let alone after swimming and biking!

Yesterday Bridget and I met with the OCC and Helene for a bike time trial and two mile run.  The wind was HORRIBLE!  I managed to average 17 mph on the bike and did my run in 20:33!  Helene said she was proud of me and I was very happy with my effort!

I have more to say, stories to share like my adventures biking outside before my lovely toe covers from Helene and Andy, but they will have to wait.  Today I swam a couple miles, biked two hours with my Dad and I am really tired now.  One thing I have learned is to go to bed early!  I have been getting up at 6:30 every morning (or earlier) and tomorrow is going to be a busy day!  Stay tuned - Sunday I ride my race course for the first time!  56 miles between two of the finger lakes!  Should be a great day!

Goggles On!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

20 Recent Lessons

20 things I have learned: 

1.  What you eat and drink has a direct affect on how you feel during a workout.
2.  Running with a head cold is harder the first couple miles.
3. Compression is my friend.
4. Ice is my friend.
5. Your feet really do sweat when you exercise, a LOT.
6. Biking outside in the wind is still easier than on a trainer inside.
7. Even when my body feels terrible, it is still capable of putting forth a personal record!
8. Early bedtimes are necessary and wonderful.
9. Doing my workout (or the first workout of the day) early is always the best idea.
10. Body Glide and Chamois Butter are WONDROUS blessings as the miles increase!
11. Time management is crucial
12. My family is wonderfully patient and supportive!
13. I have the best team of people around me and beside me for this incredible journey.
14. Your body can drastically change shape without you actually losing weight on the scale.
15. You shouldn't stop to pick up change when you run... Helene will kill you!
16. When you have two triathletes in the house, the dishwasher can very quickly fill with empty water bottles!
17. I look forward to my run days because those are the "easy" workouts.
18. Runs actually don't feel good for the first few miles, its not until mile 4 or so that things start to feel comfortable on a long run.
19. I am capable of so much more than I think I am.
20. This is one of the best times in my life!

Only 96 days till race day!

Goggles On!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Things I Love (Part 2)

So, while I drove home this morning from an appointment, I started thinking about some of the training related things I love.  I was inspired to share them with you!

1. Pocket Fuel - I recently started trying Pocket Fuel as a fuel choice when I train on long training sessions.  This paleo diet friendly fuel, is made from natural hazelnut and almond butters.  My favorite flavor is the coconut cherry and I recently purchased a refill of the little hand packs!  Really tasty and easy to use fuel source!

 2. 110% Overdrive Sox - I love 110%'s products but right now this is my favorite!  The compression sock feels great and the set comes with a sleeve to put over the sock and ice packs to insert between the two layers.  When the bottom of my feet hurt, I can easily ice them as well as my shins and calves.  Such a great product!

3. Veloved's Park Tool Bike Repair and Troubleshooting Training Class - This women's only class was very helpful in giving me the knowledge and confidence in caring for my bike.  Such a great knowledge base to have when you spend hours (and hours and hours) on your bike each week!

4. TLC Chiropractic - These guys are AWESOME and have done so much to support me in my journey over the past few years.  Dr. Jerry has been my chiropractor for the last 4-5 years and I really appreciate his expertise and support and he is one of my biggest cheerleaders as I continue this journey.

5. Rest Days -I love my rest days!  They give my body a break from the increasing demands training for an endurance sport places on it and they give my mind a break from the mental demands of training.  At times this is the hardest thing I have ever decided to do and I am very proud of how far I have come.  This is not done yet, but I work hard each day and look forward to those days of rest!

Speaking of working hard, I must go get ready for my long brick workout!  Going to take my bike OUTSIDE for the first time this year!  Thirty mile ride and then a 3 mile run.  :)

Goggles On!